My Birthday is Coming...

Oh wait, it's here.  39!  Yay!

Julia insists that everyone have a theme on their birthday, so I chose Game of Thrones.  We bought an awesome hovering dragon balloon, and everyone at Party City was jealous. 

My parents have been asking me what I want for my birthday, and all I could think of was hair, so I got a Daenerys Targaryen wig to go with my Game of Thrones theme.  Jeff immediately pointed out that I am more like Brienne of Tarth than the beautiful Khaleesi.  Um, thanks?  I'm going to take that to mean that I'm a badass warrior and not that I resemble a man.  Anyway, they don't seem to sell Brienne of Tarth wigs.  Mother of Dragons it is!

Thanks for all the Nameday wishes!




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